The classical education model focuses on educating children by actively using the developmental phases of learning. This is known as the Trivium of Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. These phases are broken down above. Classes specific to Latin, Literature, Logic, Rhetoric, History, and Math are structured to develop a focused and precise thinking pattern with an ability to take facts and discern their origin, to determine one’s own thinking versus that of another, to view situations with an understanding of the current times and subsequently articulate all of these clearly. With the classical method, all subjects are viewed as integrated and working within each other.

Accepting kindergarten through 11th grade students for 2025 - 2026. Will continue to add high school grades each consecutive school year.
Classes will be 3 days per week in-school learning and 2 days per week in-home (satellite) learning. We will meet on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Friday will also be a day for community activities, field trips, parent education, and staff education as appropriate.
Oak Grove is responsible to direct the education and maintain the grades towards diplomas while the parents serve as guides and facilitators in the satellite classrooms.
Follow a classically minded model
Non - denominational Christian school focused on teaching God's word and the love of Christ. Parents provide additional specific denominational instruction.
Students are met on their current educational level versus only on their grade level.
Classes incorporate a universal design for education where multiple modalities are used to enhance student learning.
An instructional learning therapist is on staff to support students if needed.

As children are educated in the classical method, they will learn to be Independent thinkers and persuasive leaders.  We want to ground those children in a worldview that revolves around Christ. As they make decisions and as they learn new information, they can evaluate those in relation to God’s Word. This viewpoint will be woven into every subject.  For example, how does art relate to God and how can we use it to worship Him? How does math point us to the order of God? Does the current view of science compare with the infallibility of God’s word? The view of the universe does not point to randomness but to a structured design through our Creator. The most important goals of this school are to not only point the students to Christ and grow them to Him, but to also bring glory to God’s kingdom.
Finally, as in Deuteronomy 5:6 - 9, we are commanded as parents to continually teach and nurture our children to love God with all of their heart, soul, and strength. Parents need to be actively involved in their child’s education.

​In this setting, parents are partners with educators. The school is responsible for directing the education and maintaining the grades towards diplomas while the parents serve as guides and facilitators in the home (satellite) classrooms. This method provides the time for parents to build character in their children’s lives and strengthen their relationships while educating.
The Ultimate Goal:
Grammar Phase: grades K – 4th.
This period is when students need extended time with the family and are establishing foundational principles while learning many facts.
Logic Phase: grades 5th – 8th.
Students are increasing independence in work. They begin asking questions about what/why they are learning as they process the facts.
Rhetoric Phase: grades 9th – 12th.
Students begin to integrate and apply what has been learned and increase the depth of their thinking.
Single Classes:
To allow students who homeschool only, particularly those in the upper grades, to sign up for specific classes that they may need. The parents continue as the primary educators.
Target Audience:
The hybrid model will appeal to parents who desire to homeschool but need more structure and guidance and/or the opportunity for part-time work. This will also appeal to those who already homeschool but need additional support/resources or specific classes.

Statement of Non-Discrimination
Staff and General
Oak Grove Christian Academy makes no distinction in its employment decisions, and/or operating policies with regard to an individual's gender, race, color, nationality or ethnicity, because we recognize that there can be no preferential treatment with God (Romans 2:11).
Oak Grove Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of an individual's gender, race, color, nationality or ethnicity in the administration of any of its policies or programs. Admissions are contingent on space, abilities of the student, philosophy, and willingness of the family and student to participate within the academy guidelines.